Map of London
London uk map. Map of London (England) to print. Map of London (England) to download. London, city, capital of the United Kingdom ( see map of London). It is among the oldest of the world great cities—its history spanning nearly two millennia—and one of the most cosmopolitan. By far Britain largest metropolis, it is also the country economic, transportation, and cultural centre. London is the vibrant heart of England and the United Kingdom. London is the capital, largest metropolitan area, and global destination.
London is the home of the Government of the United Kingdom which is located around the Houses of Parliament in Westminster (as its mentioned in the map of London). Many government departments are located close to Parliament in London, particularly along Whitehall, including the Prime Minister residence at 10 Downing Street.
Since it was established almost 2000 years ago, London is still the capital city of the UK. New docks built from the eighteenth century increased the number of ships using London as a port. This led to the growth of London as a centre for trade and commerce, and new manufacturing industries developed (see the map of London). Employment opportunities led to many people migrating from rural areas to London, leading to an increase in population.
Home to a range of universities, colleges, and schools, London has a student population of about 378,000, and is a center of research and development. Most primary and secondary schools in London follow the same system as the rest of England. With 125,000 students, the University of London is the largest contact teaching university in the United Kingdom and in Europe (see the map of London).
The City of London, the capital of the United Kingdom as well as England, is the country most populous. London is also one of the largest urban areas in Western Europe (see the map of London). The city history goes back to Roman times when it was called Londinium. Remnants of London ancient history are still visible today, as the city historic core is still surrounded by its medieval boundaries.