
London area map

Map of London area. London area map (England) to print. London area map (England) to download. The areas in London area map include a total of 32 boroughs plus the City of London district, which is officially a separate entity from the county despite being located inside the region. The remaining 32 boroughs are divided into what are referred to as Inner London and Outer London. Each London area gives an independent city vibe.
Whitehall and Westminster, these two areas of London have been the center of political and religious power in England for more than 1,000 years (as its shown in London area map). They are rich in terms of architecture and important monuments, which is not the case for some other areas of London. During the week, the streets are filled with civil servants since the administrative offices are located in this London area. To the north, Trafalgar Square marks the beginning of the West End, an area with a lively nightlife.
Greenwich area in London is basically known as the place that defines the zero meridian. This area is also home to the National Maritime Museum. During the Tudor period, a palace was erected, but today only the Queen House remains, built by Inigo Jones for the wife of James I (James I). In Greenwich you can enjoy museums, bookstores, antique shops, markets and a park (see London area map).
The City, even if this area has the full name of the City of London, everyone knows it as the City (see London area map). It is the financial district of London where the Stock Exchange and the Bank of England are located. This area is the place where the Romans originally settled. Following the great fire of 1666, which destroyed most of the original City, Christopher Wren oversaw the reconstruction of 52 churches in the area that are still standing today.