London on world map
London world map. London on world map (England) to print. London on world map (England) to download. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. London is a major city in Europe. The map of London in the world shows the geographical location of the city. London is at the heart of the most developed and richest region of Europe and even the world. It is also a center of international impulse perfectly integrated with globalization.
London is a world-city. The world map with London is available on this page. London enjoys a global reach. London is a world on its own. Many ethnic groups and cultures continue to rub shoulders in London. London is a kaleidoscope of neighborhoods and quasi-autonomous communities, each with its own identity.
London, located in the south-east of England, former capital of the British Empire, is today the capital of Great Britain. London is today considered a city open to the whole world because it enjoys a global cultural and economic influence. The map of London in the world shows its influence. It welcomes around 7.7 M inhabitants.