
London crime map

Map of London crime. London crime map (England) to print. London crime map (England) to download. The number of murders committed in London exceeded for the first time that recorded in New York. In February, 15 people were killed in London, against 14. In March there was another murder in London to arrive at a total of 22 victims. In the last two months, there are two more murders in London. Some neighborhoods are safe as shown in London's crime map.
The number of stabbings, including knife attacks, has risen in London and is at its highest level since 2011. The London Crimes Map presents the sectors concerned. Several factors justify the increase in this crime rate such as the presence of gangs, territorial wars, settling of accounts or drug trafficking.
If you are thinking of coming to live in London, I recommend you check out London's crime map. Some neighborhoods have lower prices but crime is important. The goal is that if you're thinking of renting an apartment in a neighborhood, look at the London crime map and find out about the neighborhood's reputation.
For several years, London has been known to face a wave of crime, whose homicide rate has even exceeded that of New York. If you are about to move to London, check out our London Crimes Map available on this page. The London crime map shows the safest neighborhoods in the city and the least safe London neighborhoods.