
M25 map

Map of m25. M25 map (England) to print. M25 map (England) to download. The "m25 London Orbital Road" is the 188-kilometer circular highway in Greater London (see m25 map). In Europe, the m25 is the second longest device. The L25 was built between 1975 and 1986. It is also the busiest road in the UK: 196,000 vehicles a day in 2003. The m25 map gives you an idea of the London motorway. London m25 is one of the world's largest orbital motorways and carries 15 percent of the UK motorway traffic, or 200,000 vehicles a day. In May 2009, Highways England awarded the Skanska-led consortium Connect Plus a 30-year public-private partnership contract to add capacity to the M25 and manage it and key arterial link roads. It is one of the UK’s largest ever public-private partnerships (PPP).
London is often regarded as everything inside the m25 motorway (see m25 map). Not bad as a rule of thumb, but not that accurate either. Here the map of Greater London (shown in the lighter beige/brown colours), with the m25 orbital in blue and everything else in the murky orange. As you can see, for most of its borders, Greater London stops well short of the m25. This means that there is a considerable population that finds itself inside the motorway but not part of the big city. It is a psychological buffer zone between London and the Home Counties, simultaneously allied to both. Mind the gap.
The m25 is celebrating its 25th birthday. The 117-mile (188km) road that orbits London has changed life in the UK in many ways, says Radio 2 traffic news announcer Sally Boazman. Here are some. It took more than 11 years to build m25 (m25 map), cost £1bn and used more than two million tonnes of concrete and 3.5 million tonnes of asphalt. The m25 is a monster of a road in many ways.
The m25 opened in 1986 once the last section was completed (m25 map) between junction 22 and 23 at London Colony and Junction 1 at South Mimms in Hertfordshire. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher opened it in October of that year. The m25 took 14 years to finish building the M25 - work started in 1973 and the first section to be finished was between South Mimms and Potters Bar in 1975.