
London parks map

Map of London parks. London parks map (England) to print. London parks map (England) to download. London parks are probably not as popular as London museums and monuments. However, they are a real attraction in themselves and are appreciated for their special atmosphere and impeccable maintenance (see London parks map). With an area of 140 hectares, Hyde Park is the largest park in central London. This huge lung located in the heart of London serves as a place of relaxation for Londoners and tourists alike.
St James Park is the oldest of London royal parks and gardens (as its shown in London parks map). This true green lung is located in the heart of London, next to Buckingham Palace. In 1532, bought the 23-hectare park land which was then a marshy area. After draining the marshland, Henry VIII decided to use the land as one of his private hunting reserves parks.
Together with Hyde Park, Regent Park is one of the most popular and popular parks in London (as its mentioned in London parks map). Regent Park of London is a true green oasis, whose huge area is largely dedicated to the practice of outdoor sports. Londoners can enjoy various activities (field field hockey, tennis, athletics, soccer, rugby, etc.); it is even possible to row on the 9-hectare artificial lake.