
Luton airport map

Airport of Luton. Luton airport map (England) to print. Luton airport map (England) to download. London Luton Airport (LTN) is one of the largest airports in the United Kingdom as shown on the map of Luton Airport. London Luton Airport carries 9.7 million passengers. Luton Airport is essential for low cost air travel. It is located just 56 km (35 miles) northwest of central London (Luton airport map).
London Luton Airport (LTN) is a popular airport for low-cost airlines. The map of Luton Airport is located 50 kilometers northwest of London. It has only one terminal as shown on the map. The best way to get to London from Luton is by bus as there is no train station within the airport. The bus is indicated on the map of Luton Airport.
Luton International Airport is located in North West London, UK. It is the 4th airport, after Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted. From Luton Airport, you can find central London by many means of transport: taxi, mini-cab, bus or train. The map of Luton Airport will help you find your way to central London.
To get to London by bus from Luton Airport, shuttles run between the airport and downtown London. The journey takes about 1h15. The map of Luton Airport tells you where to get on the bus. The map of Luton Airport makes it easy to locate yourself. This map of Luton Airport is printable and downloadable.