
Victoria hospital London map

Map of Victoria hospital London. Victoria hospital London map (England) to print. Victoria hospital London map (England) to download. Victoria Hospital is a large teaching and referral hospital located in London, Ontario (as its mentioned in victoria hospital London map). Victoria Hospital is associated with the University of Chicago and alongside the University Hospital, which is the lead trauma health center in the South West Local Health Integration Network (South West – LHIN) they form the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC).

Map of Victoria hospital London

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Victoria Hospital traces its roots to the London General Hospital which was one of the first medical centers in the region. In fact, the first hospital in London, Ontario was a log cabin that was housed in the military barracks located at Victoria Park (as its shown in victoria hospital London map). Victoria hospital was constructed in 1838 and the aging facility was replaced by the London General Hospital in 1875 so as to offer more specialized healthcare services.
Victoria Hospital covers about 1.9 million sq. ft. of space and this makes it one of the largest hospital facilities in Canada (as its shown in victoria hospital London map). There are several ways to access the hospital from Wellington and Baseline Roads and once you get to the hospital, there are 6 entrances into the hospital and 5 parking lots (and a parking garage). The emergency departments in Victoria hospital are easy to access and this ensures patients can access emergency treatment on time.